
Small Steps, Big Changes
Are you ready to do things differently?
Small Steps, Big Changes is a workshop series that’s a bit like the Swiss army knife of life skills – it has tools included for almost everything.
Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual and most of us struggle with knowing how to change things that aren’t working well for us.
Small Steps is an 8 week workshop that educational, not interactional.
Even the most introverted of introverts can safely attend. There’s no working in pairs, no combined group work, no name tags, and no group hugs. You work alone with a bunch of other people doing the same work. No sharing is required, although discussion is certainly welcome!
Up to 10 people can enrol in each group – anyone over 16 is welcome. This program was especially designed for those who want to change their lives for the better, but fear they can’t or don’t know how to start.
Each session includes really specific and practical tools that you can immediately incorporate to make a meaningful and measurable difference in your life. You get to choose what you’d like to try.
Topics include: sustaining change, understanding and managing your emotions, building self-esteem, and prioritising what’s truly important.
If you’ve been unable to follow through on goals, form better habits, or want to change something in your life but have no idea how to get there – Small Steps, Big Changes can make it possible.

This program has run 14 times since 2016 and has helped people make long-term changes in their lives. It is outcomes that really matter - and who better to convey those than the people who have already completed Small Steps, Big Changes.
On the first day of Small Steps, participants are asked to rate their confidence from 1-10 in the 8 key areas the workshop covers, and upon finishing the program, asked to rank themselves again in those same key areas. The graphs below show the aggregated data for both surveys.

“This program is abundantly full to the brim of tools for life that are useful to any human being!”
"Small Steps is not some high flying self-empowerment workshop full of unrealistic goals or airy-fairy ideas, it is down to earth and practical. A program that relates to average everyday people and gives you tools and strategies to handle everyday situations. The program is delivered in a way that makes you feel comfortable and secure, which in turn puts you in the perfect headspace to learn."
"The most beneficial thing I will take from this course is to not be so hard on myself. Over the years I have tried to change many things but have failed to follow through or fallen back into old habits. Learning about human biology and how we as humans are hard wired not to change has stopped me feeling like a complete failure and given me a hand up to try again."
“This was much more than I expected. It was empowering for me and others.”
“This is an excellent life skills school that should be run and open to school age children onwards.”
“I loved learning about the theory behind so many of our actions, it was a real revelation! This program has been an amazing experience – not just for me but everyone else in the group. It’s really given us the chance to grow and understand ourselves better.”
“The session on how to set boundaries and the exercise about how to do that with different people/relationships in my life. Its something I have always struggled with and I’m really glad to have ways I can do it better.”
"I can’t stress enough how beneficial I believe this program could be to so many people. Prevention is better than a cure, and this course equips you with tools and life skills to help in so many ways, whether it be:
– Preventing the breakdown of relationships
– Increase Self-Esteem and Self-Worth
– Giving you strength to keep trying
– or Teaching you to recharge your battery so you don’t burn out"
“This course addressed so many issues, concerns and worries I have. I’d love to do it all again, I have learned such a lot from it!”

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When and where is the program available?
A: Small Steps is generally run whenever funding is available. In 2022, we ran twice in two different locations, and 3 times in 2023! If Small Steps is a program you'd like to see run in your area, or within your organisation, get in contact with us to discuss how we might be able to make this happen.
Q: So enrolment is free?
A: For participants, yes. The program is typically funded by community or government grants, or local organisations who choose Small Steps, Big Changes as a staff development opportunity for their employees.